6–7 de mayo de 2024
Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Oviedo
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

The European Southern Observatory (ESO): building, operating and developing world-leading astronomical observatories

6 may 2024, 11:30
Aula Magna (Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Oviedo)

Aula Magna

Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Oviedo


Dr. Xavier Barcóns Jauregui (ESO Director General)


The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) currently operates two world-leading observatories: the VLT and VLTI in the optical/infrared and ALMA (a partnership with North America and East Asia) in the submillimeter and millimeter domain. ESO is also beyond 50% complete in the construction of the largest optical/infrared telescope, the ELT, and is part of the development of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). Through competitive access to its operational facilities and open access to the science archives, ESO data generate more than 1000 refereed papers per year, which include a number of scientific breakthroughs. The optical/IR observatories are being continuously upgraded through, in particular, new instrumentation, and ALMA is also starting an ambitious development programme called Wide-Band Sensitivity Upgrade. I will underline how these activities act as a catalyser for Research and Development, and offer opportunities to scientists, engineers, institutes and companies

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