Santiago Folgueras
(Universidad de Oviedo)
23/10/2023, 15:30
Pablo Martinez Ruiz del Arbol
(Instituto de Física de Cantabria),
Pablo Martínez Ruíz del Árbol
(IFCA-Universidad de Cantabria)
23/10/2023, 16:00
Núria Valls Canudas
(La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull)
23/10/2023, 16:45
Steven Van Vaerenbergh
(Universidad de Cantabria)
24/10/2023, 11:30
Álvaro Navarro Tobar
24/10/2023, 12:15
Álvaro Navarro Tobar
24/10/2023, 14:30
24/10/2023, 17:30
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
Miguel Fernández Gómez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
25/10/2023, 11:30
Álvaro Navarro Tobar
25/10/2023, 12:15
Álvaro Navarro Tobar
25/10/2023, 14:30
25/10/2023, 17:30
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
Pietro Vischia
(Universidad de Oviedo and Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA))
26/10/2023, 09:30
Pietro Vischia
(Universidad de Oviedo and Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA))
26/10/2023, 11:30
Pietro Vischia
(Universidad de Oviedo and Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA))
26/10/2023, 14:30
26/10/2023, 17:30
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
Xuan González
(The Next Pangea)
27/10/2023, 11:30
Brij Kishor Jashal
27/10/2023, 12:15
Brij Kishor Jashal
27/10/2023, 14:30
27/10/2023, 17:30
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
Daniel López Castro
28/10/2023, 10:30
Xavier Vilasís
(La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull)
28/10/2023, 12:00
Luca Fiorini
30/10/2023, 11:30
Arantza Oyanguren Campos
30/10/2023, 13:30
Daniel Conde
30/10/2023, 14:45
Miriam Lucio Martinez
(Maastricht U.)
30/10/2023, 15:30
30/10/2023, 16:15
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
30/10/2023, 17:30
Participants, organized by groups, will face a computing challenge facilitated by NFQ (N-World).
Álvaro Navarro Tobar