Since its creation in 1954, CERN has positioned itself as a world leader in development of hardware and algorithmic technology for fundamental physics, with a tremendous potential and practical impact on industry and society.
The fundamental physics studied at CERN, both from the experimental and theory side, involves the treatment of very large data sets and the exploitation of advanced mathematical constructs. Since decades, this implied the development and application of progressively more sophisticated AI algorithms: this led to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, and to CERN being at the forefront of AI applications both in software and hardware in the 2020s.
The CMS Experiment, with about 6200 active members between physicists and engineers at any level, has a very rich AI/ML program encompassing all theoretical, experimental, and technical aspects where these techniques are useful.
In this talk I will review, as the new Machine Learning Coordinator for the CMS Experiment, the landscape of the AI and ML use at CERN and avenues of collaboration where the HEP AI experience can assist and complement other areas of academic and industrial research and applications.